Specializing in "Taylor Hobson"™* Form Talysurf Series™*, Talyrond™* and "Surtronic"™*
Surface Texture(finish) measuring instruments. We also calibrate Jenoptik, ZeissTSK, Mahr and Mitutoyo roundness and surface texture measuring instruments.
Field service, training, and calibration covering
the continental United States, Canada and Mexico.
Correlation studies /Gage R&R and Consulting Services.
Repair of "Talysurf models 4,5,6 and 10, MK1"™*
Surface Texture(finish) pickups. Refurbished pickups available for purchase
or exchange basis.
Traverse units, amplifiers, and recorders for
Surface Texture(finish) and Roundness instruments. Obsolete is not part of our vocabulary.
Stylus and Probe repairs. Two, five and ten
micron diamond tips. Ruby ball tips.
Free estimates on all work prior to repair.